Legal notices

Site ownership

Managing editor: Vincent De Mesmaeker for the company Pierphy S.A.. is the website of Pierphy S.A., Rue du Drapeau 14 - 1070 BRUSSELS, registered under the company number: 0419.986.343. The texts and illustrations presented on the site are protected by copyright and constitute intellectual property. They may not be copied, modified or published in any other form without Pierphy S.A.'s express written authorisation. The company Pierphy S.A., owner of this website, may be contacted through the contact page of the website. The owner, through this website, intends to give the general public access to information about the company's activities. The information displayed on this website cannot, however, engage the owner's responsibility or that of the service provider.

The provider responsible for the creation of the website and its activities

A professional quality website created by Pixiwooh!. Pixiwooh! is a creative agency specialised in the creation of made-to-measure web products: websites, mobiles websites, newsletter campaigns, e-communication, logos, visual identity and branding based in Brabant Wallon, Belgium.

Access to the site

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Hypertext links

The user who is redirected towards a third-party page by the intermediary of a hypertext link that features on the Pierphy S.A. site accepts that Pierphy S.A. does not control the content of redirection sites. In consequence, Pierphy S.A. cannot in any case be held responsible for any eventual direct or indirect damage that is caused by using sites that are accessible through the hyperlinks that the website contains.